Our highly trained Dental Therapists & Hygienists are available at both of our locations and are here to assist you in maintaining your oral health.
During your Hygienist appointment, they will use ultrasonic and manual instruments to remove tartar and irrigate the gaps and pockets between your teeth and gums that brushing and flossing alone can not reach. This is also known as deep scaling which promotes gum health as well as being a recognised form of preventative care. Your teeth will then be polished using a specially formulated paste. We offer an advanced level of polishing called Airflow, whereby a combination of water, air and natural salt particles are directly streamed towards the teeth in a way that can remove staining around inaccessible areas and gum margins.
Whether you need advice or have any type of enquiry about the work we do, we would love to hear from you.
We provide a comprehensive range of dental services from routine check ups and preventative dental care to highly advanced cosmetic dental facial treatments and implants.
Please note that our practice policy states if you fail to attend an appointment or cancel within 24hours you will be charged according to the length of your appointment.